I'm so frustrated by the lack of leadership exhibited by the "elected Democrats". Did you see the recent speech by VP Gore? Now that was inspirational! He called the U.S. Citizenry to ACTION. The DNC calls for State of the Union Watch parties! We need to FORCE the PRESS to wake up and FORCE the Party to act as though it has some courage, NOT attend a slumber party with bunny pajamas and popcorn!
I suggest alternative action such as that called for by The
World Can't Wait, who I heard about from their commercial on Air America Radio.
Let's make some noise!
"The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly in a fascist way. Millions are deeply disturbed and outraged by this and recognize that politics as usual, cannot meet the enormity of the challenge. There is not going to be some savior from the Democratic Party. Entrusting hopes and energies into "leaders" who tell us to seek common ground with fascists and religious fanatics is proving to be a disaster and actually serves to demobilize people.
"They're not going to be driven out by indictments. They're not going to be driven out by Senate committees. They're going to be driven out by the activity of me and you, out in the streets, screaming at the top of our voices, protesting, moving, acting, demonstrating that the world cannot wait......It's going to be up to you and me-informed citizens who've had enough and won't take it anymore....."
California Senator Feinstein doesn't have the courage to fillibuster Allito. With him on the bench our Republic is DEAD. WTG Dianne! WTG Democrats. I'm nearly disgusted by this party. The Leadership is abandoning its rank and file while it dances with the devil and colaborates with the Fascists.