Friday, October 20, 2006

How much longer can this website last?

"When Richard Nixon put himself above the law in his grab for extraordinary power, he was done in by a free press and an independent judiciary. The regressive right, taking careful note of this, has consolidated and muffled the mainstream media (with a few honorable and courageous exceptions), and the GOP presidents since Nixon have packed the courts with like-minded judges. Now, all that is left of a free and unconstrained media is the internet – for the moment, at least. Don’t count on its survival."

The world needs America. The world needs America to be America. The world needs America to be the light and the flame and the torch. Yet today because you have lost sight about what America means at home, you have inflicted great harm and shed great blood on yourselves, and the world.
I do not need to make dire predictions about the future, the ugly truth is told by the shame of the present.

  • When your Leader said he could take away your Bill of Rights on his own personal whim, you did nothing.
  • When your Leader said he could violate law based on some claimed power he has, you stayed silent.
  • When your Leader claimed he could inflict horrid acts of torture that break international laws honored by every democracy on earth, you surrendered.
  • When your Leader claimed the power to jail people without hearings and imprison people without justice, you gave in.
  • When your Leader claimed the power to detain people without charges, and inflict punishment and pain on unknown people without lawyers or law, you submitted.
  • When your Leader seized the power to invade your home without a warrant and take your body without a writ, you did nothing.
  • When your Leader claimed the power to take your privacy without a court and take your rights without a hearing, you gave in.
  • When your Leader said the Congress has no right to be involved in the policy of making war, you gave up.
  • When your Leader said your Courts have no responsiblity for upholding your Constitution without his permission, you stood down.

Every one of these abridgments of basic freedom was done before your eyes and in plain view, with the support of many, with the submissiveness of some, and with the ignorant acquiesence of others who had better things to do than value the freedom that braver men and women than you, died to leave to you, in trust

This nation is nearly dead. Fuck you republicans. Bar none. All of you.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The mess in Iraq