I've been hearing news about the way the Dems treated Paul Hackett (
His statement) This may also be the reason Cindy Sheehan decided not to run in California against Frau Feinstein. I'm so disappointed. I will NOT vote for that corporate gofer again.
The Hacket story is another nail in the coffin. I can't really endure this party much longer. How many of you will continue to suffer the democrats by default, simply because they're the anti-Republican?? I'm REALLY sorry I didn't support Nader now. Not a dime's worth of difference!
I think of Kennedy. Carter. Feingold. Even Gore in recent months. I see there is still a bit of the spirit of Roosevelt's party. But I see Biden, Liberman, Feinstein, Clinton and Reed. Just WTF are they thinking? It seems they are kiling the party from the inside! I can't find the words to express my disgust.
Hacket was the genuine item. A real hero with real credentials and crediblilty. I'm convinced now that since 2000 the Democratic Party is LOSING ON PURPOSE.
I've been a Democrat since the DNC convention of 1980, when I, as a college student fresh from two semesters of Poli-sci, watched Senator Kennedy speak of the values of the Democratic Party. I knew I was disinclined since the 1976 Republican convention to support the party that withdrew their support for the ERA, and took what I thought a frightening turn to the right, but I didn't really know where I was going. Ted's speech nailed it though. He described exaclty what I knew to be the right and correct purpose of our government.
I don't really mean to fish for a more liberal party. I have no doubt that the greens or the wobblies are noble and populist. But I sincerely believe when the Democrats are true to their ideals, they are the party that represents America. They are the ones who found the sweet spot when balancing the tension between liberty and equality. So the question is, WHAT MUST WE DO TO to compel the "leadership" to return and remain true to the party's ideals?