Friday, June 30, 2006

It is the forces of democracy versus the forces of fascism.

excerpts from:
Darkness at Noon for Democracy

You are a tyrannical thug whether you are Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, or Francisco Franco.
And Cheney and his Puppet Bush are thugs in that infamous tradition.

This is a about the raw, ruthless seizure of power and the machineries of state by one radical faction within a democracy. And that radical faction has as one of its major goals the elimination of democracy.

Whenever their failures are exposed, they use scare and fear tactics to subdue the public. They launch highly coordinated and disciplined dishonest diversionary tactics -- such as the bogus attack on The New York Times for printing a story on tracing banking transactions that everyone pretty much knew about anyway, especially the terrorists -- for the sole purpose of turning the already lapdog American press into a complete rebirth of the Soviet brand of Pravda.

Make no mistake about it, they are seeking laws and prosecution that will make dissent from the party line a crime.

The democratic government following the collapse of the Tsarist regime fell to the Soviets because the Soviets were more disciplined, remorseless, and cunning. The same fate befell the Weimar Republic as Hitler manipulated his ascent through a campaign of fear, ringing emotional appeals to "patriotism," scapegoating, and the manipulation of the legal process to make his takeover of the government sanctioned by the Reichstag.

If you think that is not happening here, then you are not really thinking at all. You are just a member of the masses who has succumbed to the demagoguery of the barbarians now inside the gates of the White House.

It is the forces of democracy versus the forces of fascism. Don't cringe when you hear the "F" word, as if it is some radical, over the top proclamation. The radicals aren't writing the editorials for BuzzFlash. We are pro-Constitution, pro-democracy and pro-balance of powers. We are patriots.

The radicals who would undo the American Revolution are in the White House. They are brilliant at incrementally seizing uncontested power. It is the only thing they do well.

The same could have been said of Stalin, Mussolini, Franco and Hitler.

Just look around and see what is happening.

If you don't see it soon, it will be too late.