Friday, June 01, 2007

Scaife-Owned Newspaper Questions Bush's 'Mental Stability'

The editorial in the Tribune-Review, owned by conservative billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife noted, "Quite frankly, during last Thursday's news conference, when George Bush started blathering about 'sometimes the decisions you make and the consequences don't enable you to be loved,' we had to question his mental stability." It continued: "President Bush warns that U.S. withdrawal would risk 'mass killings on a horrific scale.' What do we have today, sir?

Frankly, it surprises me the NeoCons and Royalists and Fascists are only now noticing that their emperor is a buffoon. Only because the rest of the country is fed up enough not to tolerate this crap anymore are the Scaifes of the country trying to disassociate themselves from the Bush/Cheney Crime Cartel.