Friday, December 18, 2009

Kill The Bill

Dear Senator,

This bill is a gift to the very forces which caused the health care crisis in the first place. It's a disgrace and a shame.

You claim it's expanding coverage. It does this by forcing people to buy insurance with NO price protections or trust/collusion protections or real competition with a Public Option. If I may paraphrase candidate Obama, it's like solving the homeless crisis by passing a law that everyone buys a house! Shame.

Insurance companies can't kick you out? But they can PRICE you out! Sham. Disgrace. Shame!

Resistance to the assault on women's reproductive healthcare is hardly a feature. It should be EXPECTED.

If the Democrats can't pass REAL UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE law now, when they are the majority in both houses and hold the presidency, they'll never be able to "improve" on this bill.

There's NO room for profit in healthcare. Profiting off of other peoples' suffering should be a CRIME.

Healthcare is a HUMAN RIGHT! Nobody in our nation, not even the 6% you find to be an acceptable number of uncovered citizens, should be denied healthcare when they need it.

I urge you to KILL THIS BILL. Pass some sort of real reform in conference committee if necessary, or go back to the drawing board. THIS bill makes things WORSE. Rahm, Obama and the other elected Democrats are making a serious miscalculation if they think the base or the electorate in general are going to applaud or support or feel anything other than contempt for this effort.