Our Moral Compass
The full Australian 'Dateline' TV report on Abu Ghraib.
Is THIS what we have become? Is THIS what REPUBLICANS think America stands for? Is this what the Christian Right propose is America's high moral position?!?!
Shame on you. You are NOT patriots. You are NOT citizens of MY country. You are the willing subjects of a FASCIST TYRANNY!
You subscribe to Rumsfield's and Gonzonles' views on the Geneva Convention?
You stand there and lecture about a "culture of life"?
You presume to judge the morality of gay, bi and lesbian lovers?
You accept Guantanomo, suspension of Habeas Corpus and ABU GHRAIB?
REDEEM YOURSELF! Support the impeachment and FULL prosecution of all these so-call NEOCONS, which is indeed merely a euphamism for FASCISTS!