Monday, February 20, 2006

Our Moral Compass

The full Australian 'Dateline' TV report on Abu Ghraib.

Is THIS what we have become? Is THIS what REPUBLICANS think America stands for? Is this what the Christian Right propose is America's high moral position?!?!
Shame on you. You are NOT patriots. You are NOT citizens of MY country. You are the willing subjects of a FASCIST TYRANNY!

You subscribe to Rumsfield's and Gonzonles' views on the Geneva Convention?

You stand there and lecture about a "culture of life"?
You presume to judge the morality of gay, bi and lesbian lovers?
You accept Guantanomo, suspension of Habeas Corpus and ABU GHRAIB?

REDEEM YOURSELF! Support the impeachment and FULL prosecution of all these so-call NEOCONS, which is indeed merely a euphamism for FASCISTS!


First Cheney Statement for Press Did Not Admit He Was Shooter

The Sunday morning televison talk shows featured blistering attacks on the press for going overboard in its critical coverage of the Cheney shooting incident last week. Cheney aide Mary Matalin accused NBC reporter David Gregory of going on a "jihad" gainst the vice president.

However, one more revelation could fuel more speculation, as it contradicts earlier explanations that Cheney wanted to get the full story out, he was just a bit tardy about it. The passage reads:"At about 8 a.m. Sunday, a Cheney aide called strategist Mary Matalin, who regularly advises the Vice President. The aide read her a statement about the accident that Cheney had considered releasing before he decided to encourage Armstrong to go to the (Corpus Christi) Caller-Times. "But the statement 'didn't say much of anything,' Matalin says—not even that Cheney was the shooter.

Matalin then spoke with a second aide and with Cheney's family and heard different versions of what had happened in the shooting. She decided no statement should be released amid the confusion. Matalin spoke with Cheney, and, she says, they agreed that 'a fuller accounting, with an eyewitness,' would be preferable."

Time also reports a poll showing that almost two-thirds of Americans (65%) think Cheney should have taken immediate responsibility for the shooting incident. His approval rating stands at 29%; President Bush's approval rating is 40%.

Editor & Publisher

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Coup Toast

US military planes criss-cross Europe using bogus call sign

a plane identified with the CIA practice of “extraordinary rendition” — transporting victims for purposes of torture — left a US air base just after the arrival of an aircraft using the bogus call sign.
One aircraft’s identity was given as JGO 80, the flight was a Learjet 35 operated by the Department of Defence and the registration was 99999E.
The status of the flight was given as “humanitarian”. But it was also given as diplomatic.
During the time the plane was in the air, USAFE changed some of the flight plan timings and at the same time the registration changed. The aircraft metamorphosed into 40112E but continued to be a Learjet 35 and was still JGO 80 and a humanitarian, government and diplomatic flight.

In your name, Americans!