The Amerikan Stasi
"The most troubling thing happened, though, when I arrived back to my hotel. We got back early because the altitude and sleeplessness were starting to take a toll on us. We did not march after the rally, so we decided to rest before the next event at 7pm. As I walked toward my room, I noticed that the door was opened with the security bolt blocking the complete closing of the door. I knew immediately that I had not left the door open, and I double checked to make sure it was the right room because, as a frequent traveler, I have been known to forget my room number, but it was the right room.
I was upset at first thinking that housekeeping had made a mistake and left my room open and I was worried that something might be missing.
So I walked into my room and bigger than life, there was a man standing by my desk holding the room phone with a screwdriver in his hand!
I immediately said; "What the hell are you doing? Are you putting a bug on my phone?" He looked like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and stammered out: "N--no, we are having problems with the phone." I told him to get out of my room because my phone was fine and I called the front desk and the person at the front desk stammered something out about "problems" with some of the phones.
This room was reserved soon after we got to Denver last night because the room we had was inadequate for 3 people. The room was reserved under my campaign manager's name with a CFC debit card. By the time we left for the march, it could have very well been ascertained that I was the one in this room, and the room we did reserve could be bugged, also. I am confident that that's what was happening when I walked in on the "maintenance" man and I am becoming more shocked every day with what the ruling class are capable of....that's why...
My phones are in the room fridge. Let them listen to refridgerator noise.
CFC is feeling a little shaky on the security front, because there is no way to reasonably expect privacy from a Party and a government that has discarded our 4th amendment rights to be secure in our persons and other words, our safety and our campaign can be compromised by a government that exists to protect our rights, not abuse them at will.
Outrageous indeed. These are the sort of actions we used to hold up as an example of the wickedness of the East German Ministry of State Security. They used the same excuse too. Protecting the Fatherland. Protecting State security.
Those Police and FBI and Homeland Security people are protecting us from the leader of the modern peace movement. From a congressional candidate. From the mother of a fallen soldier! They're protecting our freedom from the threat that Cindy Sheehan poses. I know I can sleep better at night.
I swear I'd like to thrash the next "Well at least we're free" right-wing knuckle scraper soundly with a clue bat when I hear them spew that drivel.