Project for a New American Century

Grover Norquist said, "We are trying to change the tone [of political dialog] - and turn [it} toward bitter nastiness and partisanship. Bipartisanship is another name for date rape."
This is the tone that the Republicans govern with. They aren't happy to defeat a political opponent, they must DESTROY him. And you're seeing the sort of government you get with this arrogant attitude.
This "You're for us or your against us" attitude has pretty much caused the world to be against us. Allies and enemies alike recognize this government as being the leading BAD GUYS in the world.
Bush appointed Tom Boltin to be U.N. Ambassador in a recess appointment, bypassing the Senate's (tepid) advice and consent role. Boltin was known to be very antagonistic toward the U.N. He started out with an assault on a document 1 year in the making, threatening to derail the United Nations World Summit -- originally intended to assess governments' progress on pledges to reduce poverty and promote development by 2015.
We now find that Connie Rice has had to scuttle her attempt to put sanctions on Iran because NO ONE will join us. We are now held in lower esteem that IRAN.
Bush's handlers made him go out and publicly "accept responsibility" to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right in handling Katrina. How cynical. (As if it didn't follow the EXACT procedure it had intended, to allow for profiteering on misery by HALIBURTON et al. By creating opportuinities for Real Estate Pirates.) If you watched him you saw he hated to do it. But this government is determined to do what it needs to in order to confront the crisis. The political crisis. So a contrite Bush regime has turned its policy on a dime again and now supports the World Summit. How cynical indeed. This regime is a disgrace to our nation and the sooner we send these lunatics back to the funny farm the sooner we can repair the damage and restore our nation to its greatness.