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This is a sticky post because I think it goes to the heart of what QUADKITE.COM has become.
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I hope that you're viewing this in a frame in my home page at Quadkite.com!
I hope to use this handy BLOG service to offer my thoughts on the current events and culture that are important to me a few times a week. Or at least FEATURE a particularly pertinent article I find. Something to supplement the dismal lack of informational nourishment the American people are receiving.
What does Quadkite mean? If you play Everquest, you'll recognize it. But for those of you who don't, let's just say it's a tactic for fighting 4 enemies at a time.
Everquest is a really fun game, and I wanted to start a website devoted to my hobby. It was totally a FUN site where I shared my life, in game and out, with my friends and family.
But some things happened on the way to the bazaar...
Two polls, one by the University of Maryland , and the other by the respected Harris poll, showed that as many as 75% of Bush supporters believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the 911 attacks despite massive evidence to the contrary. Almost half of the Bush supporters believe several of the hijackers who attacked the U.S. on September 11 were Iraqis. Neither of these is true, which has been admitted by the administration.
How could so many people entertain such illusions? How could an illegitimate collection of gangsters occupying Iraq, Afghanistan and Washington, D.C. so effectivly hoodwink these folks? What happened to the Watchdog of Democracy? The Fourth Estate? OUR PRESS?!?!?
I received an email from a high school History teacher. This is a fellow who surely considers himself well informed. He should be, at least by virtue of the fact that every Tuesday each of his students turns in a summary of some "current event" taken from a noteworthy news item reported by some recognized news source. Every week he would have to have been presented with at least a dozen different headlines. Imagine my surprise when he indicated he'd only JUST heard about the Downing Street Memo that week, a full month after it had first been reported in a few papers, as well as Air America Radio!
The corporate controlled mainstream media tried to ignore this news for most of the month. Then some of them tried to claim it was "old news". They claimed that everyone knew that Bush had wanted the war with Iraq since before he was elected and that WMDs were just an excuse. How could everyone know this if they NEVER REPORTED IT? Paul Krugman addressed this very nicely in his article 'The war president' .
So how can this cabal of criminals continue to bamboozle so many citizens? How can reasonable well read and conscientious citizens be taken by surprise? Because the press, which in this country is primarily the TV news, is derelict. Even when the cable news networks were beating the drums of war, (good for thier ratings) I was screaming that the reasons offered were obviously mere pretexts and the REAL reason for this illegal act of agression was merely political gain for prince george and his cronies. Over a year ago carreer intelligence officers were writing articles about the criminal manipulation and abuse of our information and how it was being MANUFACTURED, not gathered or analyzed.
So my wood elf druid still occupies much of my time, but not as much as before. And there just doesn't seem to be room for the serial "Perils of Pa and Ma" on the menu anymore either, although dad hasn't really submitted any new stories lately. All there seems to be room for is a BUNCH of RSS feeds and LINKS to information so vital, I try to put it all on my front page.
Dad won't be writing any more installments of Pa and Ma. He passed away a few days before christmas.
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