Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Operation Iraqi Liberation = OIL

I received the following comment anonymously.  There was another post that accompanied it that was immature and profane, so I’m afraid I threw the baby out with the bath water.
Here is the comment:

I'm so sad that you think a person like Cindy Sheehan is a hero. She has made a fool out of herself and even her family disagrees with her. She's an embarrassment. She should be thankful her son was so brave and celebrate his life not DEMAND something from someone who owes her absolutely NOTHING.

Well, I doubt you’re sad at all. Just a literary device, I suppose.  With respect to her family disagreeing with her, that’s of no consequence whatsoever. She and her husband haven’t spoken to her in-laws since Bush stole the election in November. And there are political disagreements in a LOT of families. So what? SHE is out there speaking truth to power!

She’s an embarrassment to whom? This right-wing regime? NO FOOLIN’! You assert she should be PROUD her son died in a war based on LIES? NOT ONE SINGLE PRETEXT or suggested reason that these knuckleheads used for this despicable act of aggression has been born out! Her son was murdered for OIL! The crooks occupying the president’s and vice president’s office are that much slimier because their families’ OIL BUSINESSES are growing rich on the blood and misery of THOUSANDS, among them our sons. THIS REGIME has been an embarrassment to our nation over and over again.  As have its apologists and supporters. You should be ashamed! I despise you.

The idea that any parent would be thankful her son was killed in any war, even a genuinely noble one, is preposterous.  I question whether the author of that comment was either a parent or a veteran.  

I’m GLAD Cindy Sheehan is demanding to see that smirking prick.  I’m glad she’s exposing the shallow emptiness of his platitudes! She’s out there FORCING people to wake up and recognize that this criminal and his cronies have sold the American people a bill of goods.  Her actions also show that there are a LOT of people interested in seeing an end to this misadventure.   This group shouldn’t be in the White House. They should be in the “big house”.

Cindy Sheehan can express her position far more eloquently that I can. I don’t presume to speak for her.  What I am doing here is saying that she is a true hero, one of those agents for change who is trying to pull this country back from the abyss.  I hope you all can go to a vigil near you tonight and show the nation and the folks in your town that you stand with her.


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