Friday, July 01, 2005

The IRAQ speech

Profound aplogies to my hero, Dr. Maddow.

I just finished Jury duty yesterday. I only arrived home from the court to hear the last few minutes of the chimp's speech. "No higher calling" than to volunteer for military duty. sheesh. But not so high that he felt the call, eh? He said in his speech we're going to do three new things: basically we're going to train the Iraqis, and we're going to work with them. Three? New? They've been saying this for over a year now!

In an effort to revive support for his act of aggression, he was giving a MAJOR speech on the war. All the networks covered it. Perhaps he'll answer some of our questions. For example, we went there to disarm Iraq. Did he address the fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction?
"The war reached our shores on September the 11th, 2001."

Will he admit it was a huge blunder to disband the Iraqi army?
"The only way our enemies can succeed is if we forget the lessons of September the 11th, ... and if we yield the future of the Middle East to men like Bin Laden." Remember him? Not Saddam, Bin Laden.

Will he admit he seriously underestimated the Iraqi insurgency?
" After September the 11th, I made a commitment to the American people."

Will he talk about the fact that he's never attended a military funeral and talk about maybe changing that policy?.
"They are trying to shake our will in Iraq, just as they tried to shake our will on September the 11th, 2001."

Maybe he'll talk about the fact that MOST AMERICANS, the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, believe he deliberately misled the nation leading up to this war:
"After September the 11th, 2001, I told the American people that the road ahead would be difficult."

I guess this wasn't a speech about Iraq. I guess it was a speech about September 11th. No information about the war. No plan to bring the troops home. No plan to send enough troops there to accomplish anything. Nothing except pandering to our fear about 9/11. It's disgusting.

Ripped off in large part from Rachel Maddow (audio archive) (blog) Show.

Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery.


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